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Faith conquers all.
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12 November 2012

For some reason, this blog has had a total of 1204 views.
That's a pretty number.
Considering that its been ages since I've updated, I'm guessing its people who stumble upon this page by accident?

Well, I'd be keeping this page because there's so much memories stored in this blog. About 400 odd entries. An older blog of mine on this account dated way back to 2004, when I WAS 12! I'm 22 now. I find online media so fascinating - that our thoughts, our memories and our penmanships are cached indefinitely, at least for as long as we allow them to hover in between whatever cloud space they currently exist in.

The second post below this dated 24th July 2011 talked about my impending flight to Seoul. It's been over a year since then - I've experienced a far bit, grown up exponentially and matured faster than I thought I ever would. Seoul last summer was incredible yet lonely at times but definitely was a game-changer for me. I met my boyfriend there while on summer exchange and it has been a bumpy ride since then. My life was forever altered by the presence of this man and I lost many things - my naivete, my overwhelming optimism, my low self-esteem. It wasn't all because of him but he had a big part to play in it! When I say I've lost my naivete and optimism, it doesn't mean I've lost it all! ;D Just trying to articulate that I've matured as an individual and shed the child-like facade of 2011. In a way, it was necessary for me to embrace my adulthood and to acknowledge that the world isn't all bunnies and roses as I'd grown up to hope and believe. It's pretty messed up out there and as young adults, we all try to keep our heads properly screwed on and I'm happy to say that I'm not alone in this. I'm still walking with the Lord, my God and Savior and my boyfriend has recently turned back to God as well. Keep praying for us, brothers and sisters who chance upon this page and be greatly blessed!

Well, on a random note - 2 of last month's views came from Mexico and that's where my Korean boyfriend spent a good 7 years of his life at. Holla to all the accidental Mexican readers!

If you'd like to find out how my life's going or if you're just curious about this faceless person behind the screen, follow my tumblr at cherieanne.tumblr.com or my upcoming public blog on my life and interests at iwasbornmad.blogspot.com. Hope to see you beautiful people there; LOVE AND GOD BLESS.

29 June 2011

Abba Father, have Your way.

Whatever it is, please Lord, show me the way.
Let me hold on stronger, tighter to You, right now.

24 June 2011

Tomorrow, this time, I will be on a SQ flight, heading for Seoul.
I have many hopes and dreams for this trip.
1. Learn loads of stuff (:
2. Make loads of good friends hahaha because people last!
3. Have fun!! without bursting the budget.
4. Try that makgeolli with kimchi! aka FOOOOOOOD
5. WALKING CLOSE WITH GOD; my friend and I are endeavoring to attend church every weekend!! Praying that it would be an insightful and spiritually inspiring time. This is the most important, out of all.

I love y'all, take care, toodles. <3
facebook me if you neeeeeed stuff.

19 June 2011

Sometimes I think I was born in a past life as a princess..
but then, I don't believe in past/future lives :P

So yeah, the bottom line is that I'm a brat who thinks she's a princess.
Kinda hard to change this thinking but I'm glad that God has been working through me (:

29 May 2011

I wish my Dad would stop growing older :(

27 May 2011

I have felt in this year of disasters — from tsunamis to hurricanes to earthquakes — that surely God must be speaking, reminding us urgently of truths we daily forget. That material goods aren't as important as we think they are. That life can change in an instant. That none of us will live forever. That now is the time to seek him.

It sounds good in theory, but what does it mean in practical terms? What does it mean when you have yelled at your siblings for the umpteenth time, as I did this morning? Or when you are party to a messy divorce? Or when you are struggling with an addiction? Or when you have just lost your job? What does it mean when you are weary, frustrated, and confused? It means that you take whatever mess you are in and bring it to straight to Jesus, desperately praying for his mercy.

It means you open your soul to his healing, cleansing grace. It means that you count on him because you cannot count on yourself. Join me today in yielding to God's Spirit, who is at work to rehabilitate the image of Christ within us. Remember that your soul is the only indestructible thing about you. Everything else is fragile, temporary, passing. Then pray for the first five people you meet today, that God will open their eyes to what really matters in this world.

25 May 2011

especially my best friends, most awesome people ever.

thank you, Lord!

I am shocked and appalled that someone could be whipped, tortured or disowned after conversion into Christianity.
Why the drastic measures??
I cannot understand.

There really are people still prosecuted these days for their faith.
On one hand, I am truly grateful for my circumstances!
On the other hand, I endeavor to remember these people in prayer, for surely God sees their plight and He always protects His people!


Hello whoever, anybody, whatever, gigabits, air, space, universe,
so my last post on this page was on Jan 14th.
Wow, it's been a while, blogger!
I've decided to return to you because tumblr isn't exactly useful to express personal thought-provoking knowledge but it is good for information dissemination because of the nature of the system and such.
How is life? Life is good, though I have my moments.
Life is good because Jesus is good (:
But He knows my failings, of which are aplenty - but by His grace, I shall conquer! ;)

So, you see, like any typical elder sister, I love my siblings very much.
My sister is pretty much settled, since she's going to the same university as I am and I have upmost faith in her brain and her ability to socialise (regardless of what I might say sometimes).
My little brother, on the other hand, is a little of a worry.
I have no idea how to teach him the methods of study of which is basically rudimentary to me.
As Sherlock would say, "Elementary, my dear Watson", many of the subjects he falters on are really elementary to me.
At most I can give vaguely helpful advice such as, "It's memory work", "Just read", "Meaning is implied, look between the lines."
This is why I cannot be a teacher, even though I can be patient.
But honestly, what is so difficult to understand about literature, geography, social studies??
Granted I have always been exemplary (I say this knowing that it sounds pompous which is something I get a lot but believe me, I say this with upmost humility, honest) in the arts of humanities, but I think with hard work, one can get a least a pass?
He's not slow. He's actually rather intelligent (I have actually tested him on some IQ-ish stuff) so I can only conclude that it is due to pure apathy.

Let me admit, first of all, that I am a minor control freak.
I get angry when my plans are screwed and I always have to know that everything important (note; I define what is important) is in my control.
It was more serious before I came to Christ.
But since living in the light (if I may say so), God has repeatedly shown me that even when I think I am in control, I'm not really so.
When I say repeatedly, I mean REPEATEDLY.
It was so obvious that He was sending me all the lessons,, to make good my confession to surrender to Him all things because even though I prayed it, said it, I never really practiced it.
And I didn't even know it! (He needed to teach me that quite a number of times.) God's lessons which revealed to me the crumbs in my spiritual life. Trials are God's ways to reveal the weaknesses in our relationship with Him! How amazing is our God.
That honestly, because we aren't in control, we need to let go and let God.
One of the major bible phrases I really live by is:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Lean not on your own understanding because God's ways are higher, much higher than ours.
We cannot understand it, fathom it, imagine it.
I know this by heart now; that He is the one who is sovereign and above all, my Father God who loves so passionately and is righteous and holy.
Anyway, my point is! I will continue to pray for my brother who is not a believer but I believe that God has plans for him that I cannot see (:
(And continue teaching him what I can teach! Trusting God for patience and perseverance.)

But I'm not perfect.
I used to have a mega huge temper, especially when things DO NOT go my way.
My sister used to call it princess-ism. I think I still have a bit of it.
But hey, I'm a princess who serves others, just like how Jesus came to earth to serve (:

Yes, my life revolves around the throne of God.
A good change from the me of 4-5 years ago? (:
I'm praying for you, reader, if you're an unbeliever in Christ, that you will come to see how wonderful and beautiful is the love of Christ. If you're a believer, hellooooo my fellow brother/sister!!!
Jesus died for you and me. He loved and saw you before you were formed in the world. He washes all your sins, past, present and future, white as snow. He sees your trials and your burdens and desires to reconcile you to Him. And yes, Jesus is God alone, who lowered Himself into Man to die for the sins of His children, such that whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life in the holy of holies.
I and the Father are one” (John 10:30)
God has already placed the cup of salvation in your hands. It is your choice to drink of it.
Praying for you, my friend!

This certainly is a mighty long post.
It's amazing how the words just flow out of me.
I've missed writing (:

14 January 2011

Only 3 more posts to 500.
Well, I must say, it's not bad for a blog of mine to have lasted this long.